Her Three Wishes

Happy Monday everyone! Well, for me anyway, since it’s my Saturday. *Insert evil laughter* Er, well anyway, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and I hope their week goes nicely! I have not been on SL in several days, I probably won’t even be on much this week, but I decided to do Berry’s eme she just posted awhile ago, because I so love doing them. Boy when was the last time I did a non mem, non event, non blogger challenge post? Boooooooooooo. I am sorry.


Berry’s ‘Three Wishes for SL’ Meme


1. I wish that I had more talent for building. For years, I’ve built odds and ends, fun little items with prims and such. I loved it. I loved building, I loved having a store, I loved every piece of it. When mesh was introduced, I got lost. I didn’t know how to use Blender or Cinema4D or Maya or any of those programs, and I didn’t wanna use the meshes they have on the MP. I have lists, and folders and ideas and sketches of things I want to make and I’ve tried SO hard to learn Blender and Cinema4D, I’ve watched countless tutorials, and I still can’t wrap my head around it. I’ve not built anything in months, heck it’s probably been a year or so and I miss it so badly. I can’t understand why I can’t grasp any of this stuff but I can’t and it sucks.


2. I wish my Photography was better. I have always been into photography, whether it’s RL or SL. When I first joined SL about 7 years ago, the first thing I did was take pictures. Over the years I discovered Flickr and saw so many amazing pieces and I was so jealous that they were so talented. I never was very talented, but I did try. Over the years I have improved, more then I could ever imagine, but I still don’t like my pictures half the time. I wish I could draw hair, do better highlights and coloring and just overall, be better with my Photoshop down. There are so many amazing photographers around SL that I look up to (Strawberry Singh, Neva Crystal, Rose, Natalee Oodles, Shawneese Offcourse, Elisa to name just a few of the people I admire and love the work of)


And finally,


3. I wish that Second Life had less drama, less people acting like high schoolers and just more LOVE for everyone.  For the first 4 years in Second Life, I had virtually no drama. Just a big group of friends who loved dancing at random stores, exploring and having fun. I don’t think I was even exposed to any drama until I joined the family community (I love the community don’t get me wrong, it’s just something that’s common) I’ve acted out, I’ve seen others act out, heck all of us have done stuff, said stuff that we regret, things that caused issues with others and it’s just a big mess 90% of the time in the community. It’s really sad because we are a lovely group of people, even with all our flaws. We have a  lot of love to give and we understand each other and our need to play kid avatars, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. It’s painful to know that half the kid community can’t stand the other half, to see backstabbing, lying, drama plurks, drama blog posts, he said, she said crap… to see people not liking others simply based on what others have said. No. Just no. I just want everyone to get along, for everyone to be friends. Yes some of us are different, socially awkward, bipolar, slightly dramatic people, and some of us are nice, kind, friendly and thoughtful people.  But I think it’s safe to say that all of us want to be loved, want friends and family who will be there for us regardless of what we go through and how much we lash out. Us in the family/kid community are a giant family and ss the saying goes from Lilo and Stitch “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.”


Her Three Wishes



Outfit: “La petite fleur” star pullover+skirt+snood 001

Boots: [monso] My Combat Ankle Boots – Black

Hair: (Chemistry) Hair – Lyric – Reds

Ring: [North West] The ‘Stache double loop ring (silver/black) S

Headphones: .:Standby Inc. – Retro Headphones – Monochrome (neck)

Frame: *Sanu ‘I’ve been framed!’

Nails: -tres blah- Nail Colour (Black)

Here’s a song that I love.