Monthly Archive: May, 2013

Did Somebody Say the Arcade?!

What? The Arcade? But didn’t that just END like recently? Whelp, it certainly does feel that way doesn’t it? I was shocked when I started seeing things pop up about the next round… Continue reading

She’s Loving .Olive.

Whelp, helloooo everyone! I’m back from my wonderful trip to Boston where I went and geeked out at an Anime convention for 5 days and it was glorious. Now I’m on a week… Continue reading

She’s Not a Llama

Well hello everybody! Yes, It’s been awhile since I blogged, and even longer since I did the DisneyBound challenge. Life, as always is busy, and when I’m on, I can’t find any inspiration… Continue reading

She Wrote a (Bad)Haiku

I admit, blogging has taken a back seat for awhile. It makes me terribly sad, but I’ve been so busy and just out of it! I’ve been in the same outfits all week.… Continue reading

The Force is With Them

May the 4th be with you. *Ques the Star Wars sound effects* Yes, yes, I know. You are thinking “But Nara, it’s the 6th now.”  And I’m fully aware of that, but my PC decided… Continue reading